Tuesday 14 June 2016


African Universities must instill a spirit of innovation into their missions if they are to assist in the continent's transformation
                                                                                                Prof. Adebayo Olukoshi

Adebayo Olukoshi, Regional Director for Africa & Western Asia at the Institute for Democracy & Electoral Assistance, Darkar, told the Times Higher Education Africa Universities Summit that many Africa institutions have become 'too normal'. 'Universities must define themselves as centres/sites of continental renaissance - a renaissance in which the power of ideas and the reconciliation of ideas and policy which has been missing, will become an important driving force for change' he said.

He added that 'poverty reduction would be welcome, but it cannot be a strategy for (Africa's) development'. Speaking as part of the panel on reputation building, he added that it is important for African Universities to 'define notions of excellence that 'speak to the immediate and specific needs of the continent's Universities and should reject 'abstract' goals such as 'achieving world excellence' or producing 'world-class leaders'.

He said that it is necessary to ensure that institutions do not become 'completely relevant' even when they 'appear to be defined as the gold standard in higher education'. 'World class means what?', he asked. 'The mistake we have made over time is to assume there is a defined standard of excellence by which we must measure ourselves. Excellence itself is a changing concept, and today's Universities in Africa must speak to the goals of transformation'.

'We have an opportunity to establish a much more nuanced and considered definition of ambition that speaks to our context. African transformation is not because of Universities, but institutions must also ensure that it is not in spite of them either. If it is not going to be in spite of Universities, institutions must determine the key and drivers of transformation', Olukoshi said. Prof. Olukoshi also questioned the 'Africa rising' narrative that says the continent's time for rapid development had arrived, stating that there is still 'high unemployment and social exclusion'.

As a follow up to Olukoshi's submission above, I now ask a pertinent question: Have we done the kind of work that is necessary to entitle us to label contemporary times in Africa as an 'Africa rising' phenomenon/period when citizens on the continent are still grappling with basic issues of existence in spite of the 'research' being conducted in Universities. When will Gown genuinely meet Town? When will African Universities consistently engage in system-relevant research that would eventually take the continent out of the woods?

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*How Sal Khan hopes to remake education    www.chronicle.com/article/how-sal-khan-hopes-to-remake/235895
*Diversity in academe: Disability on campus    www.chronicle.com/specialreport/diversity-in-academe-/55
*You should be reading banned books    www.huffingtonpost.com/zac.thompson/you-should-be-reading-banned-books...
*The Anthropological Unconcious or How not to talk about African fiction    http://brittlepaper.com/2016/03-helen-oyeyemi-explains-tag...
*Dear Humanities Prof: We are the problem   https://www.chronicle.com/article/Dear-Humanities-Profs-We-Are/243100/
*The gentrification of African Studies   https://africasacountry.com/2018/12/the-gentrification-of-african-studies
*It matters a lot who teaches introductory courses. Here's why   https://www.chronicle.com/article/it-matters-a-lot-who-teaches/243125/
*5 ways students can graduate, fully qualified for the 4th Industrial Revolution   wef.ch/2QNVZO5  #education
*Intellectual humility: The importance of knowing you might be wrong   https://www.vox.com/science-and-health
*Nigeria: ASUU vs FG impasse needs scientific approach - Abia State University VC, Uche Ikonne   bit.ly/2VRN4yl
*The silence in academia about capitalism in Africa   africasacountry.com/.../the-silence-in-academia-about-capitalism
*'Public Intellectual' by C.S. Lewis   https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/evangelical-history/laminsanneh-1742-2019/
*Nigeria's University system up for interrogation   https://www.intervention.ng/14628/
*Fixing academia's mental health problem   https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26365-lighting-dark-fixing-academias-mental-health-problem/
*Why PhDs don't become billionaires   https://www.inc.com/jim-schleckser/why-phds-dont-become-billionaires...
*Nigeria: The rot in private Universities   https://thenationonlineng.net/the-rot-in-private-universities/
*Raising the visibility of African research & innovation   https://www.universityworldnews.com/
*My 9 steps to success as a Ph.D student in Nigeria   https://www.nature.com/article/d41586-019-02072...
*How Colleges became nannies   https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/john-horvat-ii/how-colleges-became-nannies...
*Decolonising the University in Africa - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics   https://oxfordre.com/politics/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637
*'Powerlist' names Nigerian, Prof. Funmi Olonisakin, VP of Kings College London as 7th   kcl.ac.uk/news/powerlist-named-kings-vice-principal-as-7th
*Navigating the research terrain for graduate students in Africa: A reflection   https://kujenga-amani.ssrc.org/2019/08/09/navigating-the-research-terrain-for-graduate-students-in-africa-a-reflection
*There is no Africa in African studies   https://africasacountry.com/2019/08/there-is-no-africa-in-african-studies
*Navigating the research terrain for graduate students in Africa: A reflection   https://kujenga-amani.ssrc.org/2019/08/09/navigating-the-research-terrain-for-graduate-students-in-africa...
*5 ways students can graduate fully qualified for the 4th industrial revolution   wef.ch/2QNVZO5
*Inside the African essay factories that churn out University coursework for $11,5000   msn.com/en-za/money/news/inside-the-african-essay-factories-that-churn-out-university-coursework-for-11500-cheating
*Sex for grades: Undercover in West African Universities   https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-africa-49907376/sex-for-grades-undercover-in-west-african-universities
*Sexual harassment at epidemic levels in UK Universities   https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/mar/05/students-staff-uk-universities-sexual-harassment-epidemic
*The problems with randomised controlled trials   youtube.com/watch?...
*On the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for Economics: The poverty of poor economics   https://africasacountry.com/2019/10/the-poverty-of-poor-economics...
*Indian schools make students wear boxes on their heads in exam to prevent cheating   edition.cnn.com/2019/10/21.../india-students-box-cheating-intl-scli/
*Can the Somali speak?: The domination of Somali Studies by white scholars   africasa country/2015/03/can-the-somali-speak-cadaan-studies
*Sex for grades: Time to adopt the 'blind grading system'   https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sex-for-grades-time-adopt-blind-grading system   https://www.linkedin,com/pulse/sex-grades-time-adopt/
*Yoruba Prince gives more than 1,000 works of art to establish University Museum in Nigeria   https://www.theartnewspaper.com/news/yoruba-prince...
*A society without scholars and thinkers is a dangerous society   nst.com.my/news/nation/2018/11/428265/society-without-scholars-thinkers-dangerous-society/
*Ethnic minority academics get less UK research funding   newscientist.com/article/2222994-ethnic-minority-academics-funding/
*How to choose & prepare a research topic   youtube.com/watch?v
*Most schooling is training for stupidity & conformity - Noam Chomsky on Education   youtube.com/watch?v
*How to upgrade your thinking and avoid traps that make you look stupid   newscientist.com/article/mg24132180-100-how-to-upgrade-your-thinking-avoid-traps-that-make-you-look-stupid
*What are the 'Humanities'?   https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/blog/what-are-the-humanities/
*10 useful Mobile Apps for Ph.D scholars   https://tinyurl.com/Apps4PhD
*Racially biased academic publishing in need of decolonisation    universityworldnews.com
*The academic game: Blind peer-review & systemic discrimination    africasacountry.com
*HE institutional autonomy is under siege across the world    universityworldnews.com
*The new geo-politics of international HE    universityworldnews.com
*Indoctrination: Universities required to monitor 'viewpoint diversity'    universityworldnews.com





Saturday 11 June 2016


On the 9th of June, 2016, Centre for Democracy & Development (CDD), held the inaugural Town Hall Meeting (THM) of the BUHARIMETER (BM) good governance project in Abuja. I attended in my capacity as a non-resident Senior Fellow, CDD. The BM project is designed to ensure that citizens contribute to the process of deepening democracy in Nigeria. Participation in the programme is a key indicator that citizens are ready to engage their government in dialogue on accountability.

As far as I can recollect, this is the first time five serving Ministers would respond to the call by civil society to engage with the citizenry as regards how far campaign promises have matched government action. This was not just a 'Ministerial Briefing', which is usually convened by Ministries. This meeting is convened by civil society, one year into the life of this administration, and the government is invited to engage with we, the people! The five Ministers present gave a good account of themselves...

*Alhaji Lai Mohammed - Information/Culture & Spokesperson for government
*Senator Udo Udoma - Minister of Budget & Planning
*Chief Audu Ogbe - Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development
*Hajia Amina Mohammed - Minister of Environment
*Barrister Raji Fashola (SAN) - Minister of Power, Works & Housing

Many difficult questions were asked on the economy, electricity supply, security, environment, housing, etc. The Ministers made it clear that they were working in synergy around the template provided by the Ministry of Budget & National Planning. On the devaluation of the Naira, the government officials thought it was a bad idea. The following represents what transpired at the meeting:


*Achieve self-sufficiency in food production, especially the staple products
*Invest in items for export
*Start work on 200 un-used large dams
*Make agriculture attractive for unemployed young people
*Produce 2 million cashew/cocoa trees yearly
*Mitigate herdsmen/farmers' clashes. There should be at least 15% crude protein in grass...
*Resuscitate Bank of Agriculture


*Conversion of rice chafe and sawdust to firewood
*Mitigate desrtification in Lake Chad
*The clean-up of the Niger Delta already launched
*Liaise with the Ministry of Power, Works & Housing for the provision of necessary infrastucture
*Invest in a greener economy
*Implement the 2016 Environmental Sanitation Regulations
*Make citizens aware that the current 3.5% rate of tree felling in Nigeria is not sustainable
*Mitigate lead poisoning by practicing 'safe mining'


*Move towards accountable governance
*Energy mix that takes account of gas, etc vis-a-vis power generation. Out of 26 plants, 23 are fired by gas!
*Provision of electricity in the rural areas
*Create awareness about the damage done as a result of vandalisation of 'electricity infrastructure'. This contributes to 'darkness' in the land. Increasing the level of electricity generation and distribution is a priority.


*The administration promised to tackle corruption, unemployment and security during the election campaigns
*One hot meal a day for school children is on the way
*Provision of more jobs for youths, teachers, artisans and professionals
*$22b annual food import bill not sustainable. We need to produce what we consume
*Inclusive growth
*Zero tolerance for insurgency, violent crimes, kidnapping and corruption
*Provision of critical infrastructure
*Diversification of the economy

On the whole, it was an atmosphere where civil language was employed by both the citizens and the Ministers. The take away? Governance is work in progress. The citizens were quick to point out that  government officials are their employees, while the witty Minister of Information & Culture jokingly asked the employers (the citizens) to 'increase the salaries of the Ministers'. Nigerians eagerly look forward to the second edition of the BUHARIMETER Town Hall Meeting (BMTHM) mid next year. We hope that many more promises would have been fulfilled by then. This is indeed a healthy inaugural cross-fertilisation of ideas...

Related Links

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*CDD Town Hall Meeting on the 'state of the nation'     www.amplifiedradio.net>News>CSONews
*Tech Tuesday: The Buharimeter App.ConnectNigeria
*Buharimeter inaugural essay competition    afterschoolhub.org/apply-buharimeter-inaugural-essay-competition/
*Nigeria's debt to hit N33trn as FG plans fresh N4.28trn loan (July 24, 2020)  https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/nigerias-debt-to-hit-n33trn-fg-plans-fresh-n4.28trn-loan
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*Buhari lists priority areas to improve livelihood of Nigerians  https://www.channelstv.com/2020/08/26/buhari-lists-priority-areas-to-improve-livelihood
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*Policy-Knowledge Community on wage employment creation in Nigeria    bit.ly/2fMjnvt
*The Political Economy of Social Protection Policy Uptake in Nigeria    www.pasgr.org/publications/the-political-economy-of-social-protection-policy-uptake-in-nigeria/
*How Nigeria can earn more money from export goods from Nigeria    shipsandports.com.ng/tips-11-documents-need-export-goods-nigeria/
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*Okorocha introduces 3 day work week to reduce wage bill: Back to land for agriculture project    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/08/02/okorocha-introduces-three-day-work-week...
*Buhari receives captured BH flag, tasks Military on Nigeria's peace    bit.ly/2hCJVAs
*Nigeria - Our future in 2017: Trend analysis & contours of inertia    https://t.co/aOCXqcGltP
*Electricity sector records first total collapse in 2017    www.vanguardngr.com/2017/01/electricity-sector-recrds-first-total-collapse-in-2017
*My 2016 travel review & how Nigerians are looking inward    https://goo.gl/nWO6xl
*Investing in Agriculture: Important facts to know    waleagroservicesnigeria.com/2016/07/16/investing-in-agriculture-important-facts-to-know
*Report indicts US embassy officials of 'promoting' corruption in Nigeria    https://www.thecable.ng/report-indicts-us-embassy-officials-of-promoting-corruption-in-nigeria
*When we support agriculture  #biodiversity  we support life    huff.to/2b64lB4
*Climate-smart farming in 77 countries    wrld.bg/gAuy3035B94  #IDAWorks
*Delta, Yobe, 9 other states may be submerged by flood soon by NiMet    newmail-ng.com
*NOI polls: Nigerians cut down on expenses, adjust feeding patterns & resort to prayers as economic situation worsens    http://www.noi-polls.com/root/
*World Bank supports agricultural sector in north-east Nigeria with $50m    http://t.co/zrOlulORt7    https://t.co/6HprnpCSf1
*The criminality of budget padding by Femi Falana    https://t.co/D4FznHWB45
*Africa's greatest hope stumbles    https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/africas-great-hope-stumbles
*The anatomy of crimes in Nigeria: A statistical study    http://www.sheriffdeputiesltd.com/crimes-in-nigeria
*Nigeria recorded 1,600 cases of pipeline vandalism in 8 months    https://t.co/1B8TbiyeGU    https://t.co/m83q3dVQs6
*The Bahrain drain: In a couple of years, Nigeria will not be participating in the Olympics    venturesafrica.com/very-soon-nigeria-would-not-be-participating-in-the-olympics/
*What is responsible for Nigeria's woeful performance at the Olympic games    www.urnaija.com/responsible-nigerias-woeful-performance-olympic-games
*Prof. Mahmoud Yakubu  says some elections were declared inconclusive as a result of over-voting & violence    https://t.co/Q1AuidHuT9
*Prof. Mahmoud Yakubu explains the usefulness & achievements of the card reader    https://t.co/8NG1T9sF8Z
*Nigeria: Towards improved diplomacy    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/08/19/towards-an-improved-diplomacy/
*Our elections are now better & votes are now counting - Prof. Mahmoud Yakubu    https://t.co/K23xHNbP1N
*Rio 2016: Nigerian Olympians' kit arrives late    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa...
*Diversification: Federal government endorses 129-page agricultural roadmap    thenationonlineng.net
*7 reasons why you should be proud to be a Nigerian    www.naijaviral.com/7-reasons-why-you-should-be-proud-to-be-nigerian/
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*Rio 2016: Back to the future by Femi Odegbami    mathematical7.com/m7?p=314
*#RioOlympics: Japanese Dr. Katsuya Takasu sidelines NFF, hands $309,000 personally to Dream Team    ynaija.com/japanese-dr-katsuya-takasu-sidelines-nff-hands-390000-personally-dream-team
*Nigeria: Investors lose over N1.6tr in 18 months    http://guardian.ng/business-services/investors-lose-over...
*Nigeria's economic recession may be long & deep says Peterside    https://t.co/NDpz46m50    https://t.co/7l8FvbWQBp
*Revenue shortfall: FG borrows N600b in 6 months    http://ow.ly/TkqQ30343fN
*31 years after, Buhari's War Against Indiscipline (WAI) returns    www.premiumtimes.com/news/top-news/208291-31-years-buharis-war-indiscipline...
*US declares Borno, Imo, 16 other states unsafe    http://ow.ly/ztqP3O2Xev
*Recession: Nigerian government seeks help, consults financial experts    www.premiumtimes.com/news/headlines/297179-recession-nigerian-govt-seeks-help..
*Nigerian government borrowing billions to pay salaries    www.premiumtimesng.com/business/182543-nigerian-govt-borrowing-billions-to-pay-salaries-okonjo-iweala.html
*New Agriculture Policy: Farmers may have to pay for security on farms    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/07/21/fec-approves-new-agric-policy-farmers...
*Buhari seeks emergency powers to tackle economy    http://thenationonlineng.net/buhari-seeks-emergency-powers...
*Reputational erosion & the dangers of a rudderless judiciary by Jibrin Ibrahim    http://opinion.premiumtimesng.com/2016/08/22/reputational...
*Do returnees have an obligation to 'fix' Nigeria?    guardian.ng/features/culture/do-returnees-have-an-obligation-to-help-fix-nigeria/
*5 things we learnt from Nigeria's Dream Team's performance in Rio 2016    http://www.edliner.com/5-things-learnt-nigeria-dream-team-performance...
*Nigerian government has set a target to expand renewable energy to 50% by 2020 with an increase of 1,000MW of solar    https://t.co/K4R2jdTnAT
*CBN, NBET negotiate fresh $180b fiscal stimulus for power sector    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/08/22/cbn-nbet-negotiate-fresh-n180bn-fiscal-stimulus...
*5-seater helicopter built with local materials by Nigerian boy    www.akposvillage.com/07a91756fbaO
*7 issues Buhari's economic bill seeks to address    https:www.thecable.ng/emergency-7-issues-buharis-economic-bill-seeks-address
*The anatomy of crimes in Nigeria: A statistical study    http://www.sheriffdeputiesltd.com/crimes-in-nigeria/
*What do these anti-GMO activists want?    https://t.co/9thimqKY
*When Nigeria's biotechnology experts met by Nnimo Bassey    https://t.co/1989EtXxM2
*Biosafety Agency approves trial of new genetically modified rice in Nigeria    www.merid.org/content/news_services/food_security_and_agbiotech...
*Banks defy CBN's order on Dollar sales to BDCs    http://wp.me/p3Yx1r-d1P
*Buhari launches revised National Counter Terrorism Strategy (NCTS)    thenewsnigeria.com.ng/2016/05/buhari-launches-revised-national-counter-terrorism-strategy
*The women's empowerment in agriculture index    https://feedthefuture.gov/lp/womens-empowerment.agriculture-index    https://t.co/lU92MewpOc
*Beware of China: 7 steps Sanusi says Buhari must take to revive the economy    https://www.thecableng/beware-of-china-7-steps-sanusi-says-buhari-must-take...
*20 shipping firms leave Nigeria over low business    http://guardian.ng/news/20-shipping-firms-leave-nigeria
*Nigeria talks tough: Warns foreign diplomats against approaching Buhari, Osibajo directly    http://t.co/Z6cO6XkCaM    https://t.co/b5MvGiNTfP
*NBA's new president seeks reform of EFCC    https://t.co/E2tlpSlslli    https://t.co/yqNzJHlDxW
*Dangote launches Nigeria's first Fintech bank    ht.ly/ximl503OsAw
*IDPs protest over starvation    www.dailytrust.com.ng/news/general/idps-protest-over-starvation-in-maiduguri/160427.html...
*Transparency in oil & gas industry    businessdayonline/transparency-in-oil-and-gas-industry/
*EFCC tackles new NBA president over call for stripping of agency's prosecution powers    http://wp.me/p3Yx1r-d4G
*Governing our humanitarian crisis    https://t.co/yAPeGHz6c5
*Credible polls & renewed calls for electoral offenses commission    http://guardian.ng/saturday-magazine/cover/credible-polls...
*Deadlier than BH, Niger Delta Avengers are devastating Nigeria    https://fronteranews.com/news/africa/niger-delta-avengers-devastating-nigeria/
*CSOs storm EFCC office, demand budget padding probe    www.dailytrust.com.ng/news/general/csos-storm-efcc-office-demand-budget-padding-probe
*First solar-powered tricycle assembled in Nigeria by Arthur Energy Technology Ltd    https://t.co/7QXlCuZlHm
*FG confirms discovery of Nickel in Nigeria    https://t.co/Ni25yj3xvE
*We are not rogues, Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) replies EFCC    https://t.co/Tsg8SMbNR
*Nigerian government renames Solid Minerals Ministry, approves new mining road map    https://t.co/xTZsF4yxZq
*Nigeria among the 10 countries with highest out-of-school rates    https://t.co/qgNtbovWis  #Education    https://t.co/pod.pjc1Qnn
*Nigeria in worst recession in 29 years    http://independentnig.com/nigeria-in-worst-recession-in-29...
*Nigeria's main car plant idled as Dollar crisis bites    http://www.reuters.com/articles/nigeria-economy-factory-idle
*Innoson vehicle manufacturing company shuts down production    https://thestreetjournal.org/2016/09/innoson-vehicle-manufacturing...
*$2.1b arms deal: FG makes move against Pastors, Imams who benefited    https://www.herald.ng/2-1b-arms-deal-fg-makes-move-against-pastors-and-imams-who-benefitted/
*Comparison of convictions in EFCC and ICPC    https://t.co/9h9Lc4DNVJ
*Notes from Atlanta: Ibrahim Waziri -From HND in Nigeria to Ph.D in America    http://www.farooqkperogi.com/2016/09/ibrahim-waziri...
*Nigeria can develop 'solar eclipse tourism' - Prof. Saidi Mohammed    https://www.thecable.ng/extra-professor-says-nigeria-can-develop-solar-eclipse-tourism
*Mosanto's plot to take over Nigeria's agriculture & our policy response by Jibrin Ibrahim    opinion.premiumtimesng.com/2016/07/25/mosantos-plot-takeover-nigerias-agriculture...
*Parliamentary criminality 101 in 4 sectors by Jibrin Ibrahim    https://t.co/ip5zpDDDzn
*Editorial: Reforming the corruption-ridden National Assembly budgetary process    https://t.co/M1lnmcvXzD
*Why we have been restructuring by Jibrin Ibrahim    https://t.co/DDhxns1A3B
*Economic downturn takes toll on aviation industry    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/09/04/economic-downturn...
*NAF deploys more fighter jets to Niger Delta    https://t.co/z0qORRztBW    https://t.co/tyXOdl62eC
*BH members plan to join Nigerian Army - DSS     https://t.co/7Vzf1ULtth    https://t.co/sZMLS6VURX
*Sokoto to mitigate desertification with 1 million trees    https://t.co/wysx4EPal2    https://t.co/n45lwkCOyD
*How Senators, Reps earn N6.78b annually    http://wp.me/p3Yx1r-d7X
*Sokoto withdraws students from foreign universities    http://wp.me/p3Yx1r-d8e
*FG plans 20-man panel to review electoral laws    punchng.com/fg-plans-20-may-panel-review-electoral-laws/
*Nigeria in serious crisis - UN report    linkis.com/punchng.com/ekzln
*Recession: FG's non-oil revenue shrinks by N134b    https://t.co/yKTqKyWdt7
*FG targets $100b from Indian agric market    https://t.co/Z70bQcCGuY
*Social intervention programmes get N500b in 2017 budget    linkis.com/punchng.com/JU83E
*Governing Nigeria out of recession    http://punchng.com/governing-nigeria-recession-1/
*Amnesty vs Justice in the area of reconciliation & rehabilitation    https://t.co/ARjzOGSqs5
*125 successful prosecutions since January 2016 - Magu    https://t.co/Zv73n4TdnB
*Nigeria's economic recession: 13 survival tips    https://naijamagazineonline.blogspot.com.ng/2016/09/nigerias-economic-recession...
*Troops arrest Niger Delta militant leader behind 'Crocodile Tears'    newmail-ng.com/troops-arrest-ndelta-militant-leader-behind-crocodile-tears/
*Recession: Nursing mothers, patients abscond from hospitals over fees    http://punchng.com/recession-nursing-mothers-patients-abscond-hospital-fees/
*Economic recession: Sallah ram is not obligatory    ow.ly/qkqf3045cbs
*Nigeria's exports grow by 63% to N1.873trn in Q2 - National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)    https://t.co/Y3c3GA7XQy
*Situation Room deplores executive interference in independence of INEC over Edo Governorship elections   https://t.co/PPxNZCKYyE    https://t.co/G5G7ztErAG
*EFCC acknowledges corruption in IDP camps, promises transparency    http://t.co/liKD9RTY    https://t.co/amOS99ebo3
*List of Nigerian states at risk of experiencing massive earthquakes before 2020    http://www.nigerianmonitor.com/list-nigerian-states-risk...
*15 state may go bankrupt - List of poor & rich states in Nigeria    abiyamo.com/15-states-may-go-bankrupt
*Nigeria spends N596b on fuel import in 6 months    www.vanguardngr.com/2016/09/nigeria-spends-n596bn-fuel-import-six-month/
*How we can cut down the cost of maintaining the legislature by Auwal Ibrahim    www.vanguardngr.com/2016/09/can-cut-cost-maintaining-legislature-auwal-ibrahim/
*The true meaning of recession by Reuben Abati    www.vanguardngr.com/2016/09/true-meaning-recession...
*Athletes don't need training to win medals - Dalung    http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/09/athletes-dont-need-training...
*There are rich Nigerians who earned their 'rich' status by owing banks - Emir of Kano, M. Sanusi II    fojusi.com/25315-2/
*Ember months: Abuja resident escapes ritualist, Safety precaution advised    http://naijamagazineonline.blogspot.com.ng/2016/09/ember-months-abuja-resident...
*You can't fight corruption with poorly paid workers - Issa Aremu    http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/09/you-cant-fight...
*Nigeria sets new world record, wins 8th Paralympic gold    www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/210396-breaking-nigeria-sets...
*Time to heed Nigeria's perennial clamour for restructuring    https://t.co/Z8Lqq8T8ra
*Why we have been restructuring    https://t.co/kODqlLbU95
*September 15 is International #DemocracyDay celebrating the freely expressed will of the people. Theme #SustainableDevelopment    www.un.org/en/events/democracyday...
*Fixing our law-making process    http://guardian.ng/features/fixing-our-law-making-process
*The President should preside over national emergency in the north-east  #BBOGMonthlyMonitoringInitiative    http://t.co/1BAMzZwOqW
*Being a Nigerian is abysmally frustrating and unbelievably exciting - Chinua Achebe    https://t.co/lZ1m902QM
*Social investment programme gets 749,000 applicants    https://t.co/3g2OqYWoBT
*Economy no longer in recession, but depression, ECCIMA tells FG    http://dailypost.ng/2016/09/15/economy-no longer-recession...
*Nigeria ranked 15th most dangerous country to travel to    naijamagazineonline.blogspot.com/2016/09/nigeria-ranked-15th-most-dangerous.html
*Refineries flop after gulping N264b    http://www.dailytrust.com.ng/news/general/refineries-flop...
*Buhari, Ministers hold emergency retreat over economy    https://t.co/iQOqarAzB
*Nigerians eat too much rice, that's why it's expensive - Audu Ogbe    http://dailypost.ng/2016/09/14/nigerians-eat-rice...
*National Assembly members earn N6.78b in one year    https://naijamagazineonline.blogspot.com/2016/09/scndalous...
*Free yourselves from the stranglehold of state governments, Buhari tells LG administrators    www.premiumtimesng.com/news/.../210500-free...
*30 years after, movement by rail resumes    https://ecoomicconfidential.com/2016/...
*How Buhari government can fix economic crisis - Okonjo-Iewala    http://wp.me/p2LdGt-Sly
*With 10 major security operations across Nigeria, militay stretched too thin    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/09/11/with-10-major-security-operations-across...
*Nigeria, Africa's hope, stumbles    https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/africas-great-hope...
*Worsening economic crisis: Nigerians adjust feeding patterns, embrace prayers    www.premiumtimesng.com/news/.../208379...
*Investors lose more than N1.6tn in 18 months    http://guardian.ng/business-services/investors-lose-over...
*Subsidising pilgrimage damaging Nigeria's economy    wp.me/p2LdGt-S9S
*Chibok girls: We have negotiated with BH thrice - FG    https://t.co/iUiemfnRDi    https://t.co/LSlM6cxJLX
*Presidency to sanction official over 'Change begins with me' speech    https://t.co/xNS4FYnAjL
*FG releases another N350b capital vote to reflate the economy as inflation climbs to 17.6%    http://guardian.ng/news/fg-releases-another-n350b-capital...
*How to survive the weekend in a recession    guardian.ng/features/how-to-survive-the-weekend-in-a-recession/
*ParaLympics do Nigeria proud    https://t.co/V2PxoZluTj
*Assessing the Multinational Joint Task Force against BH    https://www.issafrica.org/publication/west-africa...
*Concerns mount as Egbin Power CEO says Nigeria may soon be in total darkness    http://naijamagazineonline.blogspot.com/2016/09/concerns...
*Guess where European oil companies are dumping high-sulphur 'Africa quality fuel'?    http://bit.ly/2cctOyN...
*Bomb blast victims suffer while N24b Support Fund remains idle    www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/210638-exclusive-bomb-blast-victims...
*Nigerian prisons, a reflection of the society - Cleric    www.dailytrust.com.ng/news/general/nigerian-prisons-a-reflection-of-the...
*President Buhari congratulates #Paralympic team for outstanding performance    https://t.co/Pa8l3sOL6x    https://t.co/PsGybdD6
*After gun battle, Nigeria Police rescue 14 kidnapped oil workers    https://t.co/ygrxXlAHvp
*Nigeria's foreign reserves fall below $25b    https://t.co/E1TFS3YqHU    https://t.co/6NDgYCZwtg
*Nigeria lawmakers employ 2,750 aides - Survey    https://t.co/zuJLiEKccP    https://t.co/8lG2Yp3Txd
*FG targets $10b earnings from sale of oil assets    http://leadership.ng/news/551057/fg-targets-10b-earnings...
*Genetically Modified Foods (GMF) campaigns & concerns    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/09/15/55428
*Buhari to Switzerland: Return Nigeria's stolen funds    https://t.co/BeG5lyGmCH
*IG bans deployment of Police to individuals    https://t.co/AieeX9XyZ
*Why we are withdrawing our children from private schools - Parents, school owners lament    fojusi.com/26162-2/
*Presidency, SMEDAN, initiate national entrepreneurship programme in schools    http://www.vanguardngr.com/.../presidency-smedan-initiate...
*Policy options for economic recovery    opeyemiagbaje.zone/index.php/2016/09/21/policy-options-for-economic-recovery
*Economic recession: Nigerians now eating lizards, cats & frogs to survive    www.247nigerianewsupdate.co/2016/09/economic-recession-nigerians-now-eating.html
*Sale of national assets unconstitutional - Falana    https://t.co/mkEzSlPiSo    https://t.co/cYRlvmKh9S
*Nigeria plans N4.72trn for troubled economy    www.premiumtimes.com/news/.../210753-nigeria-plans...
*11 million children out of school    https://t.co/iP97b2zp1J
*Nigeria loses N3trn in 6 months to Niger Delta crisis - Aminu    http://www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/09/24/nigeria...
*BH not in control of any Nigerian territory, Army insists    https://t.co/tPujkn7RY4
*Summary of Nigeria's revenue - Comparison from Q2 2016 (Infographics)    https://www.facebook.com/bugitng/photos/pcb...
*Africa Development Bank (AfDB) approves $1b loan to Nigeria    https://www.naij.com/
*Spending on capital projects our strategy for getting out of recession    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/09/26/adeosun-spending-on-capital-projects...
*Emirates rejects Naira in payment for flight    https://www.facebook.com...
*If we reduce the salary of politicians, we don't need to sell national assets    http://bit.ly/2d48Bjq
*What we are doing to end Nigeria's recession - Buhari    www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/211720-end-nigerias-recession-buhari.html
*New Nigerian source of Blue Sapphire    www.gia.edu/gia-news-research-nigerian-source-blue-sapphire
*The stance of prominent Nigerians, groups on sale of national assets    https://t.co/8co46dAHc1
*Nigerian Army gives formal reasons why it dismissed 22 senior officers    linkis.com/premiumtimesng.com/a3Frj
Biography of Buhari: 5 facts you do not know about the American book    ososo.com.ng/2016/09/27/biography-of-buhari-5-facts-you-do-not-know
*Peter Obi: Bill Gates, Zuckerberg won't have succeeeded if they were in Nigeria    https://www.thecable.ng/peter-obi-bill-gates-zuckerberg...
*ECOWAS court orders Dasuki's release, imposes N15m fine on Nigerian government    http://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/ecowas
*Buhari submits 2017-2019 MTEF, FSP to National Assembly    https://t.co/OpDGGwnOPB    https://t.co/8mpUOWR59n
*Nigeria's economic challenges pose risk to other West African countries    http://www.thisdaylive.com/.../imf-nigeria-economic-challenges...
*Economic situation affecting health of Nigerians    www.thisdaylive.com/index.php/2016/10/06/economic-situation-affecting-health-of-nigerians...
*Edo decides: Persons with disabilities want better participation in voting    http://www.dailytrust.com/ng/.../edodecides-persons.../165225.html
*Details of Nigerian Secret Police raid on Federal Judges revealed    saharareporters.com/2016/08/full-details-nigerian-secret-police-raid-federal-judges...
*Nigerian gas flare tracker: GIS application for monitoring Nigerian gas flaring    www.gasflaretracker.org
*Nigeria: Government saves N156b in travel costs in one year    http://allafrica,com/stories/2016/10140879.html
*Nigeria's ombudsman (Public Complaints Commission) shuts down, unable to pay salaries    https://t.co/x7hXCHaPS5
*Revenue dips by N90.27b as state governments share N420b    punch.com/revenue-dips...
*NNPC cuts oil prices to woo buyers    punchng.com/nnpc-cuts-oil...
*Investment opportunities in Nigeria's agricultural sector    sawubonang.com/go/agric-white-paper-landing-page/
*CBN gives 310 youths N930m to start business    punchng.com/cbn-gives-310...
*Why banks suspended ATM card use abroad    https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-banks-suspended...
*Nigeria: Officials abusing displaced women, girls    https://t.co/MsdekAdIi    http://allafrica.com/stories/201610310635.html
*Nigeria Supreme court Judges accused of corruption step down    https://t.co/yv2G47MIc4    www.premiumtimes.com/.../official-nigeria-supreme-court-judges...    https://t.co/yv2G47Mlc4    https://t.co/OdmbBLyzhe
*Nigerian communities threaten to block crude pipeline due to oil spill    http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nigeria-oil-idUSKBN12UOZ7
*World Bank, IMF put pressure on Buhari to come up with economic blueprint    http://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/10/world-bank-imf-put...
*West Africa's promise trackers hold politicians to their word: Broken promises meet their match    https://www.opensocietyfoundation.org/voices/west-africa-s-promise-trackers-hold...
*We may soon stop paying civil servants, CBN alerts Nigerians    http://www.omovibes.com/2016/10/we-may-soon-stop-paying...
*My government not responsible for recession, I almost resigned    http://allafrica.com/stories/201611040108.html
*Buhari administration picks 200,000 for volunteer jobs - VP    links.com/premiumtimesng.com/dAd1D
*AfDB supports Nigeria's economic governance programme    allafrica.com/stories/...html
*FG, Israel collaborate to fight cyber-crime     punchng.com/fg-israel-collaborate-fight-cybercrime
*Plateau community cries out as Chinese firm logs Pandam Game Reserve    http://leadership.ng/features/.../plateau-community-cries...
*Buhari hands over the Presidential Lodge at Marina to the Lagos State Government for onward transformation into a world-class arts & tourism hub    www.post-nigeria.com/just-massive-jubilation-hits-lagos-buhari-finally-hands/
*We can't pay N284b allowances, FG tells ASUU    https://t.co/3NWwwrOil4
*Inflation rate hits 18.3%     https://www.newsbreak.ng/2016/11/inflation-rate-hits-18-3-percent
*How Buhari's School Feeding Programme (SFP) improves human capital, women's financial inclusion   premiumtimesng.com/investigation-special-report-how-buharis-school-feeding-programme-improves-human-capital...
*Buhari outlines plan to lift 100 million people out of poverty   vanguardngr.com/2020/06/buhari-outlines-plan-to-lift-100-milion-people-out-of-poverty/
*UNDP shops for strategist for Buhari   https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/403563-undo-shops-for-strategist-for-buhari.html


On the 27th of October, 2017, the second Buharimeter (BM) town hall meeting was held in Abuja. The meeting had been postponed thrice due to the fact that government officials were unwilling to participate as was the case during the first meeting. The second meeting saw citizens dissecting the achievements and failures of the Buhari administration without any input from government. As expected, the discussions were robust and down to earth.

The Director of CDD, Idayat Hassan gave a good account of herself as regards the theme of the meeting #TheStateOfTheNation. She said that although we are technically out of recession, the average Nigerian seems to be poorer in terms of purchasing power!

Some of the other participants at the meeting are:

*Representative of OSIWA Country Director & Head of Nigeria Office, Jude Ilo
*Dr. Abdu Husseini, Country Director, PLAN International
*Mac Imoni Amarere, ED/MD News, Daar Communication, PLC
*Dr. Hamza Sumaye, Former Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Women Affairs, Plateau state
*Dr. Peter Ozoesan, Secretary-General, NLC
*Tope Fasua, CEO, Global Analytics
*Priscilla Achakpa, ED, Women Environment Programme (WEP)
*Prof. Ishaq Akintola, ED, Muslim Rights Concerns (MRC)
*Prof. Nuhu Yaqub, Former Vice Chancellor of University of Abuja & Sokoto State University

BM is an independent monitoring tool that evaluates the campaign promises of the APC, which produced the present administration. The three main thrusts of the campaign were the economy, corruption and security. In his keynote address, Prof. Yaqub lamented the fact that we do not know exactly how much has been recovered from the looters of the treasury to date and to what use such monies were being put. Yaqub is worried that Nigeria may not be a nation in the strict sense of the word, but a nation-state. Therefore, when we are criticising the regime it may be necessary to be more circumspect because of this reality.

Some of the issues that evolved on account of the extensive discussion are:


*Nigeria is no longer in  a position to keep on borrowing money recklessly. This trend would leave 'incredible debt' for generations to come. We need to assess our debt profile in terms of revenue ratio and not GDP ratio.
*There should be a viable blueprint for the economy.
*Many CEOs of government establishments have no Boards. This anomaly enables such CEOs do as they please. This could fester corruption.
*We are confusing 'diversification of the economy' with 'diversification of sources of income (revenue)'. They are not the same thing. What we have in contemporary Nigeria is the latter. We need to genuinely aspire to really diversify our economy in order to become self sufficient.
*Nigeria's growth is beautiful on paper, but it is not inclusive. We need to plan for the unemployed, under employed, school drop outs, women, girls, PWDs, the elderly, etc.
*The social investment programmes need to make greater impact.


*There are too many scandals ('Gates') - NNPC, NHIS, Maina, etc. The silence on the part of a government that claims to be fighting corruption is deafening.
*Besides, some participants wondered if the so called fight against corruption is 'one-sided.'


*The government has done fairly well in the area of security. No territory within the shores of Nigeria is currently under the control of Boko Haram (BH). However, the recent upsurge in the number of civilian, police and military casualties leaves much to be desired. Besides, only this week ISIS claimed responsibility for the death of Nigerian soldiers. We recall that about two years go, BH pledged allegiance to ISIS. We seem to be seeing the devastating result of that 'allegiance'. Please see for example https://www.thecable.ng/isis-claims-responsibility-death-nigerian-soldiers
*Still on security, there is a hike in the number of cases of kidnap of persons for ransom.
*There is unnecessary militarisation of the populace. Why do we use soldiers to quell skirmishes instead of policemen. It is better to strengthen the police to perform these duties.
*Farmer-Herder conflicts are on the rise, with herdsmen having a field day, killing citizens all over Nigeria. Some states have rolled out anti-grazing laws, but that is not enough.
*Protection of IDPs in camps is inadequate. We have cases of rape, etc in such camps, especially in the north-east.


*For the transportation system, and indeed the economy to pick up, adequate infrastructure should be put in place. The roads are deteriorating fast! Rail transport needs to be stepped up to relieve the bad roads of excessive 'plundering'.


*It is good that we have ambition to export foodstuff to Western countries, but how have we fared so far? The second leg of the much publicised yam export to the US arrived destination rotten! This is a disgrace for Nigeria. We need to involve Quarantine Services Department in the inspection of any agricultural export. All farm produce need to be certified fit for export. Besides, even for domestic consumption, our preservation techniques need to be updated.
*GMOs are bad for human consumption. But Nigeria is allowing such technology in agriculture, with the Biotechnology agency as its greatest advocate. The issue of allowing GMOs in the agricultural sector should be re-examined. We should tread carefully in this regard.
*Many of the participants were of the opinion that the Anchor Borrowers' Programme has been hijacked by the 'political farmers' who are opportunistic entrants into the agricultural sector, just because this is the Federal government's new focus. The 'real farmers' should be fished out and made to benefit from the scheme.

Education & Health

*More money needs to be voted for education and health. The deplorable state of our hospitals needs to be addressed. For example, only 6% of the budget is voted for education as against the UN recommendation of 26%!
*The rot in the NHIS needs to be cleared up and citizens need to be able to benefit from the scheme. Beyond the civil service and organised private sector (OPS), the petty traders and artisans need to be captured.

General issues

*The economy, infrastructure, educational/health/agricultural system, security, etc need to improve in order to stem the tide of young Nigerians dying on the high seas, all in an effort to emigrate.


It would have been better if the government officials were present at the meeting to state the government's position on the issues agitating the minds of Nigerians. On the whole, we had fruitful discussions about #StateOfTheNation...

Related Links

*Nigeria leaps ahead: $726m invested in African startups in 458 deals   https://www.tekedia.com/nigeria-leaps-ahead-726-million-invested-in-african-startups-in-258-deals
*Nigeria: Political satire by Taopheek Babayeju (7/1/19)   https://web.facebook.com/TaopheekBabayeju/posts/10155605472501626
*2019 & the search for national renewal   https://opinion.premiumtimesng.com/2019/04/2019-and-the-search-for-national-renewal-by-jibrin-ibrahim
*VP Debate: The parable of the shop   https://www.premiumtimesng.com/.../301252-2019-debate-attendee...   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OplsxaWYetO
*Shagari: Nigeria under his watch   thenationonlineng.net/shagari-nigeria-watch/
*Time to end the 'Nigeria is rich' myth   https://businessday.ng/columnist/article/time-to-end-the-nigeria-is-rich-myth/
*Buhari's 2019 Independence message   https://t.co/norkfqnF08
*Ease of doing business: Nigeria moves 15 places up   https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/359343-ease-of-doing-business-nigeria-moves-15-places-up.html
*Could Nigeria's court ruling ease the conflict in Southern Cameroon?   issafrica.org/iss-today/could-nigeris-court-ruling-ease-conflict-southern-cameroon/