Tuesday, 14 June 2016


African Universities must instill a spirit of innovation into their missions if they are to assist in the continent's transformation
                                                                                                Prof. Adebayo Olukoshi

Adebayo Olukoshi, Regional Director for Africa & Western Asia at the Institute for Democracy & Electoral Assistance, Darkar, told the Times Higher Education Africa Universities Summit that many Africa institutions have become 'too normal'. 'Universities must define themselves as centres/sites of continental renaissance - a renaissance in which the power of ideas and the reconciliation of ideas and policy which has been missing, will become an important driving force for change' he said.

He added that 'poverty reduction would be welcome, but it cannot be a strategy for (Africa's) development'. Speaking as part of the panel on reputation building, he added that it is important for African Universities to 'define notions of excellence that 'speak to the immediate and specific needs of the continent's Universities and should reject 'abstract' goals such as 'achieving world excellence' or producing 'world-class leaders'.

He said that it is necessary to ensure that institutions do not become 'completely relevant' even when they 'appear to be defined as the gold standard in higher education'. 'World class means what?', he asked. 'The mistake we have made over time is to assume there is a defined standard of excellence by which we must measure ourselves. Excellence itself is a changing concept, and today's Universities in Africa must speak to the goals of transformation'.

'We have an opportunity to establish a much more nuanced and considered definition of ambition that speaks to our context. African transformation is not because of Universities, but institutions must also ensure that it is not in spite of them either. If it is not going to be in spite of Universities, institutions must determine the key and drivers of transformation', Olukoshi said. Prof. Olukoshi also questioned the 'Africa rising' narrative that says the continent's time for rapid development had arrived, stating that there is still 'high unemployment and social exclusion'.

As a follow up to Olukoshi's submission above, I now ask a pertinent question: Have we done the kind of work that is necessary to entitle us to label contemporary times in Africa as an 'Africa rising' phenomenon/period when citizens on the continent are still grappling with basic issues of existence in spite of the 'research' being conducted in Universities. When will Gown genuinely meet Town? When will African Universities consistently engage in system-relevant research that would eventually take the continent out of the woods?

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*How Sal Khan hopes to remake education    www.chronicle.com/article/how-sal-khan-hopes-to-remake/235895
*Diversity in academe: Disability on campus    www.chronicle.com/specialreport/diversity-in-academe-/55
*You should be reading banned books    www.huffingtonpost.com/zac.thompson/you-should-be-reading-banned-books...
*The Anthropological Unconcious or How not to talk about African fiction    http://brittlepaper.com/2016/03-helen-oyeyemi-explains-tag...
*Dear Humanities Prof: We are the problem   https://www.chronicle.com/article/Dear-Humanities-Profs-We-Are/243100/
*The gentrification of African Studies   https://africasacountry.com/2018/12/the-gentrification-of-african-studies
*It matters a lot who teaches introductory courses. Here's why   https://www.chronicle.com/article/it-matters-a-lot-who-teaches/243125/
*5 ways students can graduate, fully qualified for the 4th Industrial Revolution   wef.ch/2QNVZO5  #education
*Intellectual humility: The importance of knowing you might be wrong   https://www.vox.com/science-and-health
*Nigeria: ASUU vs FG impasse needs scientific approach - Abia State University VC, Uche Ikonne   bit.ly/2VRN4yl
*The silence in academia about capitalism in Africa   africasacountry.com/.../the-silence-in-academia-about-capitalism
*'Public Intellectual' by C.S. Lewis   https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/evangelical-history/laminsanneh-1742-2019/
*Nigeria's University system up for interrogation   https://www.intervention.ng/14628/
*Fixing academia's mental health problem   https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26365-lighting-dark-fixing-academias-mental-health-problem/
*Why PhDs don't become billionaires   https://www.inc.com/jim-schleckser/why-phds-dont-become-billionaires...
*Nigeria: The rot in private Universities   https://thenationonlineng.net/the-rot-in-private-universities/
*Raising the visibility of African research & innovation   https://www.universityworldnews.com/
*My 9 steps to success as a Ph.D student in Nigeria   https://www.nature.com/article/d41586-019-02072...
*How Colleges became nannies   https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/john-horvat-ii/how-colleges-became-nannies...
*Decolonising the University in Africa - Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics   https://oxfordre.com/politics/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637
*'Powerlist' names Nigerian, Prof. Funmi Olonisakin, VP of Kings College London as 7th   kcl.ac.uk/news/powerlist-named-kings-vice-principal-as-7th
*Navigating the research terrain for graduate students in Africa: A reflection   https://kujenga-amani.ssrc.org/2019/08/09/navigating-the-research-terrain-for-graduate-students-in-africa-a-reflection
*There is no Africa in African studies   https://africasacountry.com/2019/08/there-is-no-africa-in-african-studies
*Navigating the research terrain for graduate students in Africa: A reflection   https://kujenga-amani.ssrc.org/2019/08/09/navigating-the-research-terrain-for-graduate-students-in-africa...
*5 ways students can graduate fully qualified for the 4th industrial revolution   wef.ch/2QNVZO5
*Inside the African essay factories that churn out University coursework for $11,5000   msn.com/en-za/money/news/inside-the-african-essay-factories-that-churn-out-university-coursework-for-11500-cheating
*Sex for grades: Undercover in West African Universities   https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-africa-49907376/sex-for-grades-undercover-in-west-african-universities
*Sexual harassment at epidemic levels in UK Universities   https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/mar/05/students-staff-uk-universities-sexual-harassment-epidemic
*The problems with randomised controlled trials   youtube.com/watch?...
*On the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for Economics: The poverty of poor economics   https://africasacountry.com/2019/10/the-poverty-of-poor-economics...
*Indian schools make students wear boxes on their heads in exam to prevent cheating   edition.cnn.com/2019/10/21.../india-students-box-cheating-intl-scli/
*Can the Somali speak?: The domination of Somali Studies by white scholars   africasa country/2015/03/can-the-somali-speak-cadaan-studies
*Sex for grades: Time to adopt the 'blind grading system'   https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sex-for-grades-time-adopt-blind-grading system   https://www.linkedin,com/pulse/sex-grades-time-adopt/
*Yoruba Prince gives more than 1,000 works of art to establish University Museum in Nigeria   https://www.theartnewspaper.com/news/yoruba-prince...
*A society without scholars and thinkers is a dangerous society   nst.com.my/news/nation/2018/11/428265/society-without-scholars-thinkers-dangerous-society/
*Ethnic minority academics get less UK research funding   newscientist.com/article/2222994-ethnic-minority-academics-funding/
*How to choose & prepare a research topic   youtube.com/watch?v
*Most schooling is training for stupidity & conformity - Noam Chomsky on Education   youtube.com/watch?v
*How to upgrade your thinking and avoid traps that make you look stupid   newscientist.com/article/mg24132180-100-how-to-upgrade-your-thinking-avoid-traps-that-make-you-look-stupid
*What are the 'Humanities'?   https://www.thebritishacademy.ac.uk/blog/what-are-the-humanities/
*10 useful Mobile Apps for Ph.D scholars   https://tinyurl.com/Apps4PhD
*Racially biased academic publishing in need of decolonisation    universityworldnews.com
*The academic game: Blind peer-review & systemic discrimination    africasacountry.com
*HE institutional autonomy is under siege across the world    universityworldnews.com
*The new geo-politics of international HE    universityworldnews.com
*Indoctrination: Universities required to monitor 'viewpoint diversity'    universityworldnews.com





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